Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thanks for the Old, Hope for the New!

Children in Swaziland, Africa, are as vulnerable as ever.  Burying parents who have died with AIDS, being diven from homesteads of relatives who don’t want them, foraging for food in the forests, stealing food from street vendors, and worst of all, finding themselves victims of deceived individuals who believe that AIDS can be cured by relations with a virgin.  Even those who still live with a parent(s) are exposed.  So many adults are sick or unemployed, and those fornuate enough to work usually make only a dollar a day.  The children suffer.

The Good Shepherd hears their cries.  His staff is “grand” enough to help them all—through His people.  He has sent pastors to help, but these men can’t afford to educate and feed them as the numbers grow.  Praise the Lord, His people have heard the desperation He hears, and they have taken action.  Together, in 2012 we have been able to:

Educate 83 children who also get to eat at school

Textbooks and a test from one of the students.
SuSwati is their language. 

Feed over 200 children at Hope House

One child eating at Hope House

Lead a team of five for a month of ministry in Swaziland and Mozambique
Visit homesteads of widows, grandmothers, and children living alone, taking food, encouragement, and prayer

 Typical homestead to the left.  Family of grandmother raising various family members on the right.  Jana praying with a Swazi woman.

Share the Good News in Word and song in many services and in three (1) hour radio broadcasts into Swaziland, Mozambique, and South Africa

They say one of the best things about radio is that you can't see the person.
 Haha, especially true towards the end of the trip when I was needing a haircut badly!

We’re dreaming big for 2013.

Princess Pumilele, the king’s sister, is a believer.  She donated to Hope House a large tract of land in beautiful country near the Swazi/South African border.  A care center is planned, away from the distractions of the city, where children can live and be schooled while they learn to grow crops and raise animals.  We’d like to partner with them by giving $50,000 to help build the structures, purchase livestock, and provide house mothers/parents.  There is plenty of space to build.

When the children graduate from high school, they need help to go to college or learn a trade.  We want to raise $60,000 to kick-start a program for those who will soon finish their secondary studies. One child can attend the university for about $2,000 per year.

Colani is one of our two first graduates from high school.  He believes God has called him to work as a television anchor, and he has the skills.  He's the best interpreter I've worked with--and has personality to spare!
He's a faithful young man who will use his gifts and education to further the Kingdom of God.
Do you feel led to help with his college tuition?

Paramount Pools in New Jersey has funded the feeding program at Hope House for the past three years.  The Squatter’s Camp and the church in Bhunya are also desperate to feed the children they oversee.  $10,000 will provide the pots, food, and simple structures to make that possible.

 Typical pots used for feeding large crowds of children.
This young man has been in the feeding program long enough to have some meat on his bones.
The sucker we handed out no doubt added to the smile!

 Grateful children giving thanks for the meal they are about to receive.

Hundreds of children in the three churches we work with are still waiting for sponsors.  And twenty more churches wait to be added to our program.  The only way to find more sponsors is to go where the Christians are.  So we need to share in churches and at Christian conventions.  The large conventions will rent a booth or allow a ministry to be the main sponsor, but that can run from $3,000 to $6,000 and more.  If you have a divine connection that might open a door, or if you can help us fund a convention, you would help us serve more children.

Even with such great need, we are encouraged because others have partnered with us.  If you are one of those “peculiar people” Jesus has purified to Himself, zealous for good works, we want to hear from you!  (Titus 2:14)

(620) 543-6518 or becky@grandstaffministries.com

For a bigger look at what we’re doing, consider attending our annual event on Saturday, April 27th, in Hutchinson, Kansas: Grand Staff Ministries, Inc. Silent Auction/Banquet/Live Auction: Hope for Africa.

Thank you!