Saturday, August 16, 2008

Letter to Sponsors

Soon you will have an opportunity to view waiting children and sponsor a child through this blog. Until then, here is Grand Staff Ministries latest sponsor communication letter:

  • Dear Sponsor,
    As we have returned from our mission trip to Swaziland and Mozambique, Tracy and I are full of gratitude for your support for the precious children in Africa! We have to wonder at the way God is able to use something as simple as $20 a month to literally change the lives and eternal destiny of these kids! AMAZING!

    We met with the children at Hope House in Swaziland, though it was far too brief. Those of you who are sponsoring these children will find new photos and a short updated bio enclosed. Some of you are new to sponsorship through Grand Staff Ministries, and you’ll have your introduction to your child enclosed here, as well. We’ve begun finding sponsors for those loosely called “the five” and “the nine,” which explains the number of orphaned children in two of the orphan-led homesteads we visited. Oh, Lord Jesus, continue to send willing partners to help educate, clothe, and feed these little ones who are so alone in the world!

    Our time in Mozambique was equally as rewarding as we saw the foundation laid for the Christian school in the village of Vladimir. This land was once used as a military camp when Communism controlled the country; now it’s being used to train little ones in the Lord’s army, fighting unseen foes that have held their families captive for generations. Glory to God! Since our departure the building has continued, leaving only the roof, doors, and windows to be installed. That process has stalled as funds have been depleted until the team raises a bit more, and corrupt authorities are also causing trouble in an attempt to receive bribes. Israel Jovo utterly refuses to give in, and we appreciate his godly stand in this matter. Please pray fervently for him as he makes numerous decisions daily concerning the Lord’s work in a wicked generation.

    It would be impossible for me to share the details of our month in Africa in this letter! Those of you who are on my email newsletter have already received the four part report; I’ll send a hard copy to the rest of you. If you didn’t get one and want one, please make note of that on your response this month.

    I’ll be sharing about our trip at Victorious Life Church this Sunday, August 17, at 6:00 PM, and those of you who are local are welcome to join us if you don’t have an evening service at your home church. We’re trying to put the pictures together, and it pulls us ever back to Africa! We are already anticipating the next trip, though timing is yet to be determined.

    I just returned from the Philadelphia Christian Writers’ Conference, where Marlene, the director, graciously allowed me to share our vision again. She received an offering of $1,530 plus some sponsorship funds for new sponsors. This year the funds will go for educating a young lady in Swaziland who feels called to a career in journalism--isn’t it wonderful that these writers were able to sow into the life of a young writer?! I love the way God moves and coordinates His people to accomplish His purposes!

    You are a huge part of that, even if you don’t see it in this life. We have no idea what these children will become as they receive God’s love through your gifts! Rest assured that the support you send is given in His Name and with accompanying training in His Word and His ways. May the Lord richly bless you in every area as you continue to serve Him by serving His precious little ones. The world might call them the “least of these,” but Tracy and I came home more aware than ever that we are the least as we embrace seeking to serve rather than to be served. Oh, Lord, keep changing all of us into the image of Your Son!

    Consumed by His Love,

    Becky J. Spencer, Executive Director

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